Katie O'Brasky, LCSW
In this page you will find several resources and support links for you and your love ones to help you cope with the current health and social crisis related to Covid-19
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Resources and Links
Guided Meditation Exercises
Grounding Meditation
5 minute grounding exercise that can be used when ever you need a quick respite in your day or moments when your anxiety begins to rise
Leaves on a stream
9 minute mindfulness
meditation exercise, that can be used for relaxation and stress reduction, and promotes shifts in body, mind, and emotional well-being
Deep Relaxation
18 deep relaxation exercise that can be used at any moment during the day when you need a longer break, or a mental and physical recharge
Adjusting to social isolation:
Seven tips to manage your mental health and well-being during the COVID-19 outbreak
COVID-19 Lockdown Guide: How to Manage Anxiety and Isolation During Quarantine
Resources for parents:
Tips for parenting during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Positive Parenting & COVID-19: 10 Tips to Help Keep the Calm at Home
Resources for Couples:
Resources for recovery
12-Step Meetings:
Alcoholics Anonymous Intergroup Directory of Online Meetings
Narcotics Anonymous World Services (includes NA help lines and websites)
Non–12-Step Resources:
Women for Sobriety (community forums and phone support)